Michigan 2-1-1
More Than Just a Number
What is Michigan 2-1-1?
2-1-1 is a free to use, confidential service that connects people to information, resources, and services whether they need help or want to give help.
Legislative Priorities
The Michigan Legislature has been a long-time supporter of Michigan 2-1-1 and we are grateful for the ongoing commitment to our mission at large – providing essential support to vulnerable populations. Last year, we helped more than 430,000 people across the state find the help they needed.
To continue offering vital services, in 2024 we are asking the legislature to increase state funding for Michigan 2-1-1 by $7.05 million to improve day-to-day client service capacity and expand emergency disaster response preparedness.
Constituent Services Training
For many years, 2-1-1 has helped legislative staffers connect their constituents with available programs and resources in their community. View our webinar recording that shows:
- What to expect when you refer a constituent to 2-1-1
- How to navigate 2-1-1’s online resource database yourself to help with constituent questions
- How 2-1-1’s legislative dashboard can help you understand why your constituents are calling 2-1-1 for help, and where there are gaps in your community
Needs By Legislative District
We invite anyone to use this tool by setting a time frame and selecting a legislator’s name. If you are not sure about your legislator’s name, you can use this Michigan House of Representative search tool to locate the representative in your community.
2-1-1 tracks needs expressed through individual contacts and confidentially reports this data to show community needs as well as service impacts. Utilizing the dashboard below, Legislators can see what people in their districts report as “needs” (such as housing or shelter, food, legal services, healthcare, and more) and whether 2-1-1 was able to refer the person to a service or not. If no services were available for a need when a person contacted 2-1-1, it is documented as an “unmet need.” This data empowers Michigan government officials and decision-makers across the state as they engage in community planning efforts.
A mobile-friendly version of this dashboard is planned for future development.